Simon Family JCC’s 21st Annual Virginia Festival of Jewish Film thanks sponsors

by | Feb 14, 2014 | Other News

Mark Robbins, and William Laderberg.

Wintry weather, including ice, snow, winds and subfreezing temperatures couldn’t keep movie fans from attending some of the festival’s final events as The Virginia Festival of Jewish Film, presented by Alma* and Howard Laderberg, ended its 21st continuous season.

More venues were added this year, offering films from the Oceanfront to Ghent. The final planned event was closing night at the Roper Performing Arts Center on Sunday, Jan. 26, where In the Shadow was preceded by a closing reception elegantly catered by TCC culinary arts students.

The final events, however, ended up being several rescheduled movies. On Monday, Jan. 27, with clear skies and warmer temperatures, a good crowd viewed the film Kidon and enjoyed dinner and drinks for purchase.

After snowstorm number two hit the area, the JCC showed its twice-rescheduled free noon screening of Sturgeon Queens on Thursday, Feb. 6. The film depicts the history of the famed Russ and Daughters’ lox and herring emporium. Guests were treated to Chocolate Babka after the movie.

A second screening of the documentary Follow Me, took place at the JCC on Feb. 9.

Thanks to those who support the festival and have made it blossom at age 21.

Alma* and Howard Laderberg
Old Point National Bank
Patricia & Avraham Ashkenazi
United Jewish Federation of Tidewater
Beth Sholom Village
Global Spectrum
United Property Associates
Virginia Arts Festival

In Partnership with
Beach Movie Bistro
Naro Expanded Cinema
Sandler Center for the Performing Arts
Tidewater Community College (and Roper Performing Arts Center)

Film Festival Advisory Council Committee:
Mark Robbins, chair
Michele Goldberg
Helene Grablowsky
Marc Moss
Shikma and Danny Rubin
Leslie Shroyer
Gloria Siegel
Leslie Siegel
Mark Solberg
Linda Spindel

Film Festival Screening Committee:
William Laderberg, chair
Rebecca Bickford
David Cardon
Diane Carrone
Lois and Barry Einhorn
Debby Fink
Michele Goldberg
Brenda Klar
Ellie Lipkin
Marc Moss
Rabbi Michael Panitz
Mark Robbins
Jeff Rosen
Peter Schulman
Leslie and Mike Shroyer
Gloria Siegel
Eitan Stern