New classes and certifications at the Simon Family JCC fitness center

by | Jun 27, 2014 | What’s Happening

Very popular among adult members of the JCC, Zumba will be offered for kids over age four, with regular Wednesday afternoon and Saturday morning classes beginning Wednesday, July 2.

Special family yoga class
Friday, July 18, 11 am-noon Introduce children to the world of yoga.

Les Mills body pump classes
Begins in September, with instructor training at the JCC on Sunday, July 27.

The JCC instructors join a host of other area experts in expanding and renewing their certifications so that their classes are the best prepared, the latest and greatest, as well as the safest. An aquafitness class will be offered July 3, a kickboxing certification will be offered on August 9, and a Spinning certification will be offered in September.

For more information about these classes, email

The Simon Family JCC is a constituent agency of United Jewish Federation of Tidewater.