Melton holds 11th graduation

by | Jun 20, 2013 | Other News

Top Row: Lisa Kline, Abby Friedman, Howard Taylor, and Judy Freedman; Second Row: Melissa Taylor, Heliene Siegel, and Debby Fink; Third Row: Susan Katz, Barbara Randall, and Arlene Owens; and Bottom Row: Sherry Lieberman and Ellen Waranch. Missing: Harriett Eluto.

Top Row: Lisa Kline, Abby Friedman, Howard Taylor, and Judy Freedman; Second Row: Melissa Taylor, Heliene Siegel, and Debby Fink; Third Row: Susan Katz, Barbara Randall, and Arlene Owens; and Bottom Row: Sherry Lieberman and Ellen Waranch. Missing: Harriett Eluto.

When this year’s 13 Melton graduates received their certificates, they joined a group of 170 proud adults in the community who have completed the first two years of the Florence Melton School of Adult Jewish Learning. The students, who took weekly classes at the Simon Family JCC for 60 weeks over two years, celebrated their accomplishments on June 11.

The 11th Melton graduation reflected the interactive approach of the classroom with graduates taking major roles in the ceremony. Lisa Kline led the welcome and introduction, in which she explained the growth and contribution that Melton has made to the adult world of Jewish learning. Barbara Randall and Debby Fink led meaningful readings from the Melton curriculum.

Graduates were congratulated and thanked by Terri Sarfan, JCC president. Miles Leon, United Jewish Federation of Tidewater president, shared his personal ties to Melton. Leon’s mother, Telsa (of blessed memory), was very involved in Melton, and his wife Sandra, also a Melton graduate, shared many of her Melton class experiences with her family. “The Federation is happy to support this great program,” he said.

Returning to a student-focused ceremony, Ellen Waranch shared her personal reflections. In a class with ages ranging from 40 to 70 with old and new friends sharing the same classroom experience, “a very special closeness developed,” she said. Classmates Abby Friedman and Arlene Owens offered a tribute to the teachers, and Sherry Lieberman and Judith Freedman presented class gifts, including a plaque indicating that the graduating class planted 100 trees in Israel in honor of their teachers.

Melissa Taylor and Susan Katz taught two texts from Torah study, which were typical of a Melton class. Howard Taylor explained and led the Kaddish D’Rabbanan (the Scholars’ Kaddish) a prayer recited after completing the teaching of a Jewish text.

Miriam Brunn Ruberg, Florence Melton School of Adult Learning director, shared her personal remarks with the graduates. “There are many options for adult Jewish learning,” she said. “Melton is distinguished by its excellent curriculum…Melton does not set out to change lives, but it does. I have seen many examples where Melton graduates, after understanding aspects of their Judaism better, make personal changes in their observance.”

Each of the 13 graduates was called to receive their personal certificates, joining 10 previous classes of Melton graduates in Tidewater. Heliene Siegel gave the closing prayer, after which graduates, friends and family enjoyed a dessert reception.

A new first year class is being planned for Tuesday mornings beginning in in October. For more information, contact Miriam Brunn Ruberg 321-2328 or

by Leslie Shroyer