Hanukkah Happenings

by | Nov 4, 2021 | Other News

Congregation Beth El

SIX13, a cappella singing group, in concert at Beth El

Sunday, December 5, 4–5:30 pm, in-person and online

Congregation Beth El is celebrating its 171st Anniversary and Hanukkah with a concert by the world-renowned male a cappella singing group, SIX13.

Admission is free and open to the entire community.

Sponsorship opportunities are available by contacting Deb Segaloff at deb@segaloff.net or 757-285-9009.

For additional information or to RSVP, email www.bethelnorfolk.com or call 757-625-7821.

Social distancing will be maintained; masks and vaccinations, for all adults and children 12 and over, are required.

Kehillat Bet Hamidrash/Kempsville Conservative Synagogue


Saturday, December 4, 5:30–7:30 pm

Kehillat Bet Hamidrash/Kempsville Conservative Synagogue will celebrate with Havdalah, lots of delicious holiday foods, music and singing, as well as fun child (and adult) friendly activities for all to enjoy. The evening concludes with everyone gathering in front of the synagogue to “light” the congregation’s outdoor chanukiyah.

Hanukkah Homecoming weekend

KBH will also take part in the program, Hanukkah Homecoming Weekend, an initiative of the Kripke Institute, Center for Relational Judaism. The synagogue will join hundreds of other Jewish organizations in a worldwide “open house” to celebrate Hanukkah together and rededicate Jewish communities post-pandemic. Although everyone’s celebration will be different, the message is the same: “Come back together in reunion, song, ritual, and relationship.”

For more information, email the synagogue at kbhsynagogue@gmail.com or call the office at 757-495-8510.

Ohef Sholom Temple

Chanukah Live

November 28—December 5
Each evening at 6:30 pm
via Facebook Live

Each night of Hanukkah, Ohef Sholom will stream the lighting of the chanukiah live on its Facebook page from a different location.

Lighting and activities

Sunday, November 28 (1 candle)

The home of Sara and Judd Mendelson

Monday, November 29 (2 candles)

Congregational Zoom

Tuesday, November 30 (3 candles)

Young Adult D’Bar Torah & UJFT’s YAD at The Veil Brewing Co.

Wednesday, December 1 (4 candles)

Sisterhood and Men’s Club

Thursday, December 2 (5 candles)

Beth Sholom Village

Friday, December 3 (6 candles)

Chanukah Shabbat Services with OST’s Board of Directors

Saturday, December 4 (7 candles)

The home of Carol and Allan Brum with OST’s 2020-2021 New Members

Sunday, December 5 (8 candles)

Religious School Chanukiah Contest

Kinda Kosher:
Chanukah Cooking with Charles Greenhood of Brutti’s Catering
Sunday, November 21
3–5 pm via Zoom

RSVP at reservations@ohefsholom.org.

Wiggles & Giggles

December 5

T’was the Night Before Chanukah

For more information, contact Allena Hurwitz Anglen at allena@ohefsholom.org. This program is FREE and open to the Tidewater Jewish Community!